Scouler's Willow
Salix scouleriana
This fast growing, multi branching shrub grows in riparian zones, wetland edges, disturbed areas, clearings, one of the only willows found in the drier habitats of upland forests at elevations up to 9800 ft (3000 m) in western North America. Excellent for riparian zones and streamsides for erosion control and improving local water conditions. Great wildlife plant and the fibrous, deep root system can be used to aid in erosion control. Important forage plant for beavers. Protect with fencing for establishment against animal foraging. Deciduous Shrub Mature Height: 6-50' Sun Exposure: Full sun to part-sun Soil Moisture: Semi-dry to wet soil. Tolerating dry conditions better than the other willows |
Special Use Benefits:
Ideal for:
- Attracts pollinators (insects, bees, or butterflies)
- Provides food or nesting for birds
- Provides cover, shelter, forage for wildlife (deer, squirrel, fish, etc.)
- Good for Erosion Control
Ideal for:
- Riparian and stream habitats
- Wetland edges