Your Partner in Conservation Since 1955.Improving and conserving the quality of soil, water, and other natural resources related to agricultural, forested, private, urban and rural lands in Lincoln County.
The mission of the Lincoln Soil and Water Conservation District is to improve and conserve the quality of soil, water, and other natural resources related to agricultural, forested, private, urban and rural lands in Lincoln County by:
In carrying out our mission, Lincoln SWCD works, coordinates, and cooperates with Lincoln County residents, property owners, operators, public and private conservation organizations, agriculture groups, local industry, public agencies, municipalities and other special districts. VALUES
Lincoln SWCD strives to:
- district news -Improving Water Quality on the Upper YaquinaThe District is working with agricultural, forestry and rural residential landowners in the Upper Yaquina and Little Elk Creek to improve water quality through conservation.
If you own property and are interested in any of the following reach out for financial and labor assistance. - Livestock exclusion fencing - Riparian revegetation - Agricultural infrastructure improvements (gutters, manure storage, etc.) - Noxious weed control Contact us today for help!
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